Hawaii Rush

Maryland Rush


team Directory

Academy teams

Our Rush Academy Teams (U8-U10) train 2-3 times per week and compete in the EDP Central Maryland Short-Sided League (CMSSL) on weekends.

Team Age Group League Head Coach Contact
Rush 16G U9 CMSSL Tim DeWitt president@marylandrush.com
Rush 15G White U10 CMSSL Nate Owens owensnate@gmail.com
Rush 15G Gray U10 CMSSL Scott Lewis scttylew20@gmail.com
Rush 16B Blue U10 CMSSL Bobby Cherneski/Tim DeWitt president@marylandrush.com
Rush 16B Black U10 CMSSL Bobby Cherneski president@marylandrush.com


Our U11-U19 teams play in the Eastern Development Program, also known as the EDP. At U13, teams competing in EDP Divisions 1 and 2 transition to compete in the USYS National League. Teams will train 2-3 times per week and play in league games on weekends. Teams typically play in 4-5 local and regional tournaments over the course of the year.

Team Age Group League Head Coach Contact
Rush 14G U11 Girls EDP D4 Sarah DeWitt sarahkdewitt1@gmail.com
Rush 14B Blue U11 Boys EDP D1 Kenny Toma kennytoma@gmail.com
Rush 14B Black U11 Boys EDP D4 Kenny Toma kennytoma@gmail.com
Rush 13G Blue Hawks U12 Girls EDP D1 Rickey Earles marylandrush13g@gmail.com
Rush 13G White U12 Girls EDP D4 Jamie Scates/Bobby Cherneski thayerjamie@gmail.com
Rush 13G Gray U12 Girls EDP D5 Jamie Scates/Bobby Cherneski thayerjamie@gmail.com
Rush 13B Blue U12 Boys EDP D4 Ed Maurer utmaurer@yahoo.com
Rush 12G Strikers U13 Girls EDP D4 John Sis jsis@competitive-cauldron.com
Rush 11B U14 Boys EDP D5 John Hurd soccerjohn@msn.com
Rush 11B Black U14 Boys EDP D9 John Hurd soccerjohn@msn.com

USYS National league teams

Our USYS National League teams (U13-U19) train 3 times per week and compete in league play on weekends. Our NL teams complete in 6-7 regional and national level tournaments over the course of the year, including Maryland State Cup and collegiate showcases. Teams will look to earn qualifying spots in the USYS Eastern Regional Championships, National League Quarterfinals, National League Semifinals and USYS National Championships.

Team Age Group League Head Coach Contact
Rush 12G U13 South Atlantic D1 Sarah DeWitt sarahkdewitt1@gmail.com
Rush 11G Azzurri U14 South Atlantic D1 Kerry Brimmer brimmers7@msn.com
Rush 11G U14 South Atlantic D1 Tim DeWitt president@marylandrush.com
Rush 10G U15 South Atlantic D1 Tim DeWitt president@marylandrush.com
Rush 06/07G Royals U18/19 South Atlantic D1 John Sis jsis@competitive-cauldron.com
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